A New Theory on the Causes of Sickle Cell Anemia Part 1
The word “Sickle” can be related to the Biblical reaping of souls of men in the end days. A postulated worldview gaining notoriety is that during the tribulation times of the Bible, there was an angel who harvested the souls of the Earth, after the wheat and the tares were separated. The wheat were saved and permitted access to the Kingdom of God, and the tares were punished and sent to the refiner’s fire. I have no conclusive theory to present, but I do see a connection of this past event to the times we are currently living in. As Sickle Cell cases rise across America, I believe that this is a time for a spiritual reaping.
As we are in or currently approaching the 120th Jubilee cycle, starting sometime between the years 2024-2025, I believe there will be a 7 year period of outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Earth, especially those who have put their faith in Jesus Christ for the removal of their sins. That being said, people born with SCA are all sensitive and spiritual people. These people may have been designated to physically take upon themselves the sins and discrepancies of their forefathers and foremothers. Their ancestral tree. Because of this, they have accumulated an immense amount of toxic heavy metals, and oxide forms of certain minerals, causing enzyme synthesis dysfunction, and contamination of bone marrow and stem cell synthesis.
I believe that with a combination of prayer, spiritual dedication, and therapies such as Nutritional Balancing and others, those born with SCA are able to heal ancestral trauma and sins of the foreparents, which extends not only forwards to their lineage, but also backwards to those ancestors past, because time, as is currently being taught by physicists, is not simply linear. Let’s dive into some Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis laboratory results to get a perspective of the above mentioned thought frame.
We used, and still currently use Analytical Research Labs to do our hair analysis reports because they do not wash the hair before they run it through their testing machines. Laboratories that wash hair before testing use strong chemicals that skew the results and make it more difficult to interpret them correctly, and suggest the proper daily mineral and vitamins supplements. We did the first hair analysis on Daniel Berry when he was 2 years old. The results showed:
Extremely high level of a toxic oxide form of Potassium, which at that time in 2014, was the highest level Dr. Larry Wilson had recorded seeing. Daniel’s potassium level was 292 mg, when a healthy range is between 6-10 mg.
Very low zinc. Daniel’s zinc level was 8 mg, the optimal zinc level is around 20 mg.
High levels of many toxic heavy metals, including aluminum, cadmium, and nickel.
Indicators for other heavy metal contaminants such as lead and mercury.
Toxic oxide forms of minerals that always accompany each other; Iron, manganese, copper, chromium, selenium, phosphorus, potassium. These minerals are all essential to the cells, but when in oxide form, are not absorbable and do not function properly. They actually become detrimental to the body. Dr. Larry Wilson has coined them under the term “Amigos” because they always show up together on a hair analysis. Even if one of these mineral levels is high, and others are not, once a person begins to do the proper diet, supplements, and detoxification procedures, the other oxide forms begin to show up on subsequent hair analysis tests.
Extremely low Sodium/Potassium ratio. Known as the vitality ratio, the most important ratio because it provides the electrical energy necessary for healing and regenerative power. Daniel’s initial Na/K ratio was 0.49 mg. The optimal ratio is 2.5 mg.
Very low Calcium/Potassium ratio and very high Sodium/Magnesium ratio, indicating over active thyroid and adrenal glands.
High calcium/magnesium ratio indicates too many simple carbohydrates in the diet, and an imbalance of blood sugar.
We spoke about the importance of the sodium/potassium ratio in another article. This ratio must rise in every sickle cell client for improvement and regeneration to occur. The removal of oxide forms of potassium, and the reception of healthy forms of potassium by the body are crucial to correcting this ratio. Healthy forms of potassium come in cooked vegetables, such as cooked greens, red cabbage, daikon, rutabaga, carrots, onions, and more. Cooked vegetables should be eaten with every meal in order to achieve the proper amount of bioavailable potassium, and all other minerals.
When the cells are lacking proper nutrition, toxic metals and chemicals that abound in our environment come and take the place of the essential nutrients. They’re able to do this because there are toxic metals that have a similar molecular form as each essential mineral. For example, cadmium is a toxic heavy metal that serves no good function in the human body. But when calcium storage is low, and not properly functional in the bones, cadmium, being similar in structure, can fit into enzyme binding sites within the cells, and sites within the bones. Cadmium will serve as a placeholder for calcium, to cause structural integrity of the bones. But the bone health itself will suffer immensely over time if cadmium is not replaced with good calcium. Each heavy metal and toxin has a place that it can sneak in and be used by the body to perform a task that is supposed to be reserved for an essential mineral.
How and why does this happen? With every successive generation there is an accumulation of sins, transgressions, traumas, pain and suffering that get imprinted into the nonphysical parts of the human system. The imprinting of bad things over time weakens the protective but invisible field around the body, leaving holes within the field, and dark spiritual forces are able to penetrate the field and implant negative codes within the energy centers of the body, causing damage to the soul, and the components of the physical body. In addition, weakening of soil our food is grown in, the increasing amount of processed and unhealthy food, along with the increased amount of sinful transgressions pushed by the media further weakens the energy centers of the body, and the protective energy field around the body. It requires less good Light energy to absorb oxide or carbonate forms of minerals, which are toxic.
In order to absorb the bioavailable healthy forms of minerals, the body must have an ample amount of Light energy. “Dark energy”, aka “Dark Matter” is necessary for the body to absorb unhealthy oxide and carbonate forms of minerals. This energy of course is invisible to the eye, and can only be sensed by a highly spiritual person, or possibly through the right machines, such as a Kirlian photography machine. For this reason, it is difficult, even when utilizing a Nutritional Balancing Program, to see quick and great improvements, unless the person is connected to Jesus Christ in spirit and faith. Christ is literally the Light of the world, meaning that the energy that emanates from Him animates and energizes our own vessels, not just spiritually, but physically as well. This is not figurative or allegorical.
When we walk with the Lord, He literally inserts His Spirit, which is Light into our Earthly vessels, giving us the ability to readily absorb the proper forms of minerals, if we eat the correct diet, take the necessary supplements for today’s environment, and live the proper lifestyle. Dark Matter or Dark Energy is the energy of the world we live in. It can be utilized to live and be successful in worldly endeavors, but the fullness of an abundant and purposeful life for the Kingdom of God can be realized only through Christ, because He has been given the rulership of the Universe. Through proper nutritional balancing, and lifestyle alterations, we are strengthened, and oxide forms of minerals are removed and replaced with bioavailable forms.