A New Theory on the Causes of Sickle Cell Anemia Part 2
The adrenal glands are usually very weak or imbalanced in cases of sickle cell. The proper amount of rest, nutrition, supplementation, and balancing of the oxidation rate will help to strengthen the adrenal glands. When the adrenals become strong enough to function without the use of heavy metals being used as cheap placeholders, they can finally be discarded. Heavy metals are retained in the organs and glands when the organs and glands are nutrient deficient and not strong enough to perform daily tasks without the stimulation and irritation of heavy metals. Heavy metals are like cheap replacement parts for a machine. They serve a purpose for a short period of time, but ultimately cause the entire machine to malfunction over time.
Toxic oxide or carbonate form of Iron: Iron toxicity can accumulate in the heart and the arteries. When this happens, all manner of iron overload symptoms can occur. Toxic forms of iron also collect in the pancreas, and can lead to diabetes or hypoglycemia. It also collects in the amygdala inside of the brain. The amygdala is part of the limbic system, which contributes to emotional regulation and memory. Toxic iron stored in the amygdala can cause a person to have excessive anger, whether apparent or held within.
Toxic oxide or carbonate form of Manganese: Toxic forms of manganese can affect the personality, especially because it is deposited greatly in the brain. It can cause arrogance, a non-emotional, non nurturing disposition. If extremely high, it can lead to schizophrenia characteristics. When toxic forms of manganese are replaced with healthy forms, these negative character traits begin to fade.
Toxic metal Aluminum: Aluminum is a toxic metal that has no healthy purpose in the body. It can replace calcium in the bones if there is not enough bioavailable calcium there, and not enough Light energy to facilitate Calcium absorption. Aluminum has its greatest influence on the brain, and can lead to impaired cognitive function and memory. Aluminum buildup in the brain can contribute to Alzheimer's disease and dementia.
Toxic metal Nickel: Nickel accumulates in the kidneys and the brain. Fear, anxiety, and many traumas associated with fear, lack of self esteem, feelings of inferiority are stored in the kidneys. Nickel causes these negative feelings to generate. Within the brain, nickel can cause depression, sadness, loneliness, and at high levels, suicidal thoughts.
Toxic oxide or carbonate forms of Copper: Toxic forms of copper first accumulate in the liver, then brain and reproductive organs. In the blood, when copper is biounavailable, because copper binding proteins are not present, or for other reasons, anemia can follow. The synthesis of copper binding proteins requires healthy mineral nutrients, and removal of toxic heavy metals. Copper binding proteins help convert digested copper into forms usable for the body. Biounavailable copper toxicity is linked to chronic viral, bacterial, fungal, parasitic, and yeast infections. Prevalent infections that can plague SCA clients are exacerbated by toxic copper toxicity.
Chromium, selenium, and phosphorus can cause damage to the body when in an oxide or carbonate form. Supplementing the body with good forms of these minerals, balancing the oxidation rate, correcting the mineral ratios, helps to replace toxic forms of these minerals with healthy forms.
Other Toxic Heavy Metals High on Daniel’s Initial Hair Analysis
Toxic Lead: Lead toxicity has been known about for generations. Particularly in the Negro American population, many children were exposed to lead paint, and lead toxic drinking water. There is no positive purpose for lead to be in the body. For generations we have heard of the negative effects lead has on mental intelligence. It also tends to make a person more selfish. Lead can take the place of calcium in the bones, causing bone problems, especially as one ages. Most importantly for sickle cell clients, lead can replace calcium in blood cells, causing a malfunction in hemoglobin function and can lead to severe anemia.
In order to rid the body of lead, one must build enough vitality and healing power from the correct diet, lifestyle, supplementation, and detoxification procedures. Blood tests simply do not show the level of depth as Hair Analysis, because hair analysis reflects the condition of the body on a cellular level, as opposed to a blood level. The body will do as much as it can to cleanse the blood of toxins, and will store heavy metals inside the cells of tissues, organs, and glands. A properly done hair analysis will show these deeper intricacies.
Toxic Cadmium: The Kidneys and cardiovascular system are greatly damaged by Cadmium. Healthy forms of Zinc are required for hundreds of enzymes, which are catalysts for protein synthesis and necessary chemical reactions in the body. Cadmium is a zinc antagonist, and lowers zinc levels, and attempts to replace zinc in enzyme binding sites. Sickle cell anemia clients have problems with enzyme production, which definitely can create a myriad of severe health effects that we see in the sickle cell community daily. The transportation of hemoglobin in part depends on the synthesis of certain proteins and production of certain enzymes that can be stifled or stopped if toxic cadmium has replaced zinc in key areas of the cells.
Toxic Arsenic: Arsenic causes dullness of brain function, but also interferes with essential minerals such as oxygen, nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur. These minerals are needed for detoxification, energy production, protein synthesis and more. Arsenic toxicity is linked to enzyme inhibition and anemia.
High levels of toxic metals, imbalanced ratios of essential minerals, toxic forms of essential minerals, extremely high or extremely low mineral levels, these all contribute to, or may be the actual cause of Sickle Cell Anemia. For this reason, I do not personally believe that gene therapy will be successful without these nutritional issues being addressed. Whether a person has a bone marrow or stem cell transplant, or a gene therapy, nutritional chemistry within the body must be functional for health. We do need many more clients to practice the program given on this website so that we can engage in more research. Contact me to start a Nutritional Balancing Program, because this is the age in which our community will be Prospering with Sickle Cell Anemia.