Blog 01: Oxidation Rate Balancing Helps Sickle Cell Clients
When referring to metabolic types, or categories made in order to place clients into specific groups based on their biochemical similarities, we refer to the phrase “Oxidation Rate”. Our bodies continuously seek a status of homeostasis. When certain hormones are produced in excess, countermeasures are taken by different parts of the body in an attempt to balance that equation. In the science of Nutritional Balancing, one can either be a “fast oxidizer”, a “slow oxidizer” or a “mixed oxidizer”. Each of these metabolic types have certain chemical markers that can be distinguished by a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis test.
Fast oxidation in a person brings characteristics of anxiety, nervous energy, fast thinking, and acute levels of stress. When a person, especially an adult is stuck in fast oxidation biochemically, or through lifestyle behaviors, physical symptoms can occur such as high blood pressure, arthritis, heart attacks, and any symptom caused by excess cortisol production.
Fast oxidation is determined on a HTMA by a Calcium/Potassium ratio of less than 4, AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio greater than 4.17. The lower the calcium/potassium ratio and or the higher the sodium/magnesium ratio, the faster the oxidation rate is. Extremely fast oxidation in a person usually leads to inflammation and illness. When a fast oxidation rate is present, we utilize specific supplements and a diet rich in animal fats, cooked vegetables, protein and a little grains in order to bring the oxidation rate into a more flexible balance. Our goal is for the Sickle Cell Warrior to have a malleable, flexible oxidation rate that is able to switch from fast to slow, to mixed when the life situation calls for it.
In fast oxidation there is excess activity of the adrenal and thyroid glands, producing excess hormones that increase stress on the body over time. Childhood vaccinations have been linked to excessively fast oxidation in children. Many stresses of life can lead to fear, anxiety, and irritability, which lead to fast oxidation. Through specific lifestyle changes, and renewing the mind into the mind of Jesus Christ, one can balance the oxidation rate. Certain diet and daily supplements, along with detoxification procedures such as coffee enemas and infrared heat saunas are greatly beneficial in balancing oxidation.
Slow oxidation within a person often comes with specific personality characteristics. They show many signs of being burned out, tired, and lethargic. Little motivation for growth and progression is seen in those with severe slow oxidation rates. Simple daily activities such as cleaning, studying, and working diligently are a difficult task because the systems of the body are sluggish. Instead of excessive adrenal and thyroid activity, there is a reduction in hormones and strength generated from these glands. Over time with a Nutritional Balancing program, mineral levels and ratios are improved, which begin to slowly increase the ability for the body to produce energy. As the cells produce more energy, the oxidation rate begins to balance itself.
In a slow oxidizer, the nervous system has been taxed, and the autonomic nervous system is dominated in a detrimental way by the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system in slow oxidation is usually functioning but in a non efficient manner. Introversion, seclusion, apathy, and depression can set in, partly due to impaired energy production in the cell’s mitochondria.
Slow oxidation can be determined on a HTMA by seeing a Calcium/Potassium ratio of greater than 4, AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio of 4.17 or less. The more extreme the ratios, the slower the oxidation rate, and the greater the negative symptoms become.
Mixed oxidizers can display symptoms of both fast and slow oxidation at times. This may sound good, but often mixed oxidation must still be balanced because there can be an extreme level of one ratio vs the other. Mathematically on a HTMA, a mixed oxidation rate consists of a Calcium/Potassium ratio greater than 4, AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio greater than 4.17, or a Calcium/Potassium ratio less than 4 AND a Sodium/Magnesium ratio less than 4.17. If one of these ratios is extreme, one can be a fast emphasized mixed oxidizer, or a slow emphasized mixed oxidizer.
When ratios are all within the optimal ranges on a HTMA, the oxidation rate is flexible. With a flexible oxidation rate, cell permeability is healthy, energy production within the cell is healthy, and the Sickle Cell client may have overall greater energy within the cells and bone marrow, producing a greater ability to remove harmful and detrimental heavy metals and other toxins.