Blog 02: Importance of Essential Macro-Mineral Balance for Sickle Cell Anemia
The correct level and ratios of essential minerals within the body is highly important for Sickle Cell Anemia, and overall health in general for all people. Minerals can be categorized into macro-minerals (electrolytes), or trace minerals. Each mineral serves a critical function in the cells. In addition, there are ratios that exist between specific minerals that must be maintained within a certain numerical range on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) test. A ratio between two minerals, meaning the test level value of one mineral compared to another, affects larger and critical functions in the body. Improving the health and quality of life for SCA Warriors is not about administering remedies, or developing pain relief mechanisms alone.
Deeper and lasting quality of life improvements come from deep healing at the cellular level, and restoration of proper mineral levels and ratios. Bioavailable forms of mineral nutrients are in the correct form to be absorbed and utilized in the body for our health and strength. Oftentimes in sickle cell anemia clients, many minerals are largely in a bio-unavailable form. In this form, the nutrients are not able to be used and absorbed into the cells. When this happens, the bio-unavailable form of minerals begins to have a toxic effect in the body. In this article, we will discuss the importance of macro-mineral levels and ratios when tested on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis.
Analytical Research Laboratories is the lab that does our Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis Tests. The macro-minerals tested at ARL are Calcium, Magnesium, Sodium, Potassium, and Phosphorus. Sulfur and Chlorine are also macro-minerals, but are not tested by our hair analysis machine because they are more difficult to get a good reading on. Sulfur and chlorine can be approximated by properly interpreting other mineral levels and ratios. Macro-minerals serve many critical functions in the body, one of the main functions being osmotic (movement of liquid from one part of the body to another through a membrane) and fluid regulation, along with pH balance. Nutritional Balancing Science gently over time rebalances mineral levels and ratios through a proper diet of high levels of cooked vegetables, proper animal protein, complex carbohydrates, and specific nutritional supplements 2-3 times per day. Detoxification of heavy metals helps the rebalancing process. Our detoxification procedures include infrared saunas, coffee enemas, and perhaps more. Below is a synopsis of the macro-minerals and their importance in the lives of SCA Warriors.
Calcium: Calcium is largely found in the bones as it is a structural mineral. Calcium is found in smaller quantities in the blood and nerve tissue. Almond milk, almond butter, daily carrot juice, nuts and seeds contain good amounts of calcium. We utilize a combination of carrot and beet juice in our health regimen.
Ph Balance - alkaline mineral helping to neutralize lactic acid, and maintain proper pH balance in tissues and blood.
Helps Fat Digestion
Helps Blood clotting
Detoxification - Calcium is an antagonist to lead and cadmium, helping to keep these toxic metals from accumulating in the body.
Helps phosphorus metabolism and energy production in the Krebs cycle - Is necessary for efficient energy production.
Autonomic Balance - Reduces stress by inhibiting the sympathetic nervous system when necessary.
Helps Cell Division
Helps hormone secretion
Helps Thyroid and Parathyroid activity: Calcium inhibits hormone TSH.
Helps Cell Permeability Regulation
Helps Muscle and Nerve Contraction & Regulation
Strengthens the Bones
Magnesium: Magnesium is a building block for enzymes in the cells. When and wherever enzymes are required to develop and function, by catalyzing chemical functions, magnesium is necessary. Magnesium must be bioavailable in order to be utilized in the cell’s enzymes. Enzymes regulating sugar metabolism, energy production, cell membrane permeability, and muscle and nerve conduction, need magnesium to form and function optimally. For an explanation of mineral bioavailability, read this article. Cooked vegetables, cooked whole grains, and nuts and seeds are good sources of magnesium. High stress and/or too much exercise lowers magnesium levels. Magnesium is paired with calcium in the body because it works in conjunction with calcium. For this reason, calcium and magnesium are paired together in the Endomet Labs mineral supplements that we use.
Sodium: Sodium is found extracellularly or outside of the cell. It is a soluble and volatile mineral. Volatility refers to an element's ability to vaporize easily. Sodium’s solubility makes it able to dissolve many chemicals in the body, in order for them to be used efficiently. Sodium helps to regulate fluid balance and pH balance. Sodium is regulated largely by the adrenal glands. Adrenal fatigue can cause low sodium readings on a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Sodium also functions as one pole of an electrochemical battery in the body. Sodium outside of the cell interacts with potassium inside of the cell and generates electrical potential. This electrical potential can be compared to voltage or power/energy. Adequate levels of sodium in the body in comparison to potassium helps the SCA Warrior to have adaptive energy and power to maintain a strong physical constitution and high vitality.
Proper levels of sodium help to regulate stomach acid levels, blood pressure, cell permeability, neuromuscular connection, nerve impulse conduction, the pituitary gland in the brain, the thyroid, and pancreas. Adrenal and kidney health are responsible for healthy sodium levels on a HTMA. Nutritional Balancing Science is designed to foster a lifestyle that strengthens the power and energy of the kidneys and adrenal glands.
Potassium: Potassium resides mostly inside of the cell, and interacts with sodium outside of the cell through what is called the sodium potassium pump. The electrical interaction between these two minerals when in a healthy and optimal condition helps a person to have adaptive energy. Potassium helps to regulate cortisol production in the adrenal glands. Potassium makes the cells more permeable to thyroid hormone, insulin, and other important chemicals. Potassium’s electric charge makes it necessary for heart nerve conduction.
The proper functioning of the heart depends in a way on appropriate amounts of bioavailable potassium for the heart. What we have noticed with a small sample size is that sickle cell anemia clients may have a tendency of having extremely high levels of bio-unavailable potassium, which in turn causes a dysregulation of blood viscosity and CO2 transport in red blood cells, leading to dehydrated blood cells. When there is a high level of bio-unavailable potassium on a hair tissue mineral analysis, this form of potassium actually becomes toxic to the cells and the body. On a HTMA, high levels of bio-unavailable potassium usually creates a very low sodium/potassium ratio, which creates an environment in the body of low vitality and energy.
Phosphorus: Phosphorus is a fiery mineral and is necessary for fueling the body. It is found in protein foods.
Helps with bone formation
Helps osmotic blood fluid balance
Needed for DNA & RNA synthesis: DNA and RNA are necessary to develop all proteins, enzymes, hormones, and chemicals in the body.
Helps cell membrane function
Helps the Nervous System: Phosphorus is necessary for the building of the myelin sheath on the nerve fibers. Phosphorus is needed for high level and critical thinking. The best form of phosphorus comes from animal meat. We strongly discourage Sickle Cell Warriors from being vegetarian or vegan.
Helps Growth and Development
Necessary for Energy Generation: ATP is the fuel generated in each cell to be converted to energy used by the body and brain.
Toxins and heavy metals can deplete phosphorus in the body. Phosphorus can also be in a bio-unavailable form, thus can cause damage if not in the right form, at acceptable levels. Protein synthesis, or the creation of proteins in the body are dependent upon phosphorus. Low phosphorus levels indicate healing impairment. The Nutritional Balancing Program is designed to increase the level of bioavailable phosphorus and reduce toxic metals. Phosphorus levels are an indicator of high or low vitality. Sometimes copper toxicity can interrupt with the absorption of good forms of phosphorus.
The Nutritional Balancing Program is designed to regulate the levels of the macro-minerals in the body. It also corrects imbalances and disproportions in ratios between pairs of minerals. Simultaneously Nutritional Balancing when done properly helps remove bio-unavialable forms of minerals from the body and replaces them with bioavailable and absorbable forms. Removing toxic metals and chemicals through the proper diet, detoxification procedures, and nutrient supplementation helps strengthen the body of Sickle Cell Anemia clients, causing a healing journey, improving the quality of life of our people. With Jesus Christ we can do all things, and through His Spirit, we can Prosper with Sickle Cell Anemia.