Meaning and Importance of Balancing Mineral Ratios for Sickle Cell Clients Part 2

This article will discuss the second half of mineral ratios that are tested on the Analytical Research Labs hair analysis. 

Sodium/Potassium Ratio: The Ideal ratio for Na/K is 2.5. This ratio is the most important ratio out of the six ratios. It is referred to by Dr. Paul Eck as the “Vitality Ratio”. Sodium is connected to the inherent strength and power of a person. This comes from the adrenal glands and kidneys. Much of the body’s strength and power are generated from these zones. Potassium is connected more to the will of an individual. The inherent invisible will to achieve a task, goal, or accomplishment relates to proper levels of potassium, which sensitizes the body to thyroid hormone.

Sodium/Potassium ratio gives us an excellent synopsis of the thyroid and adrenal gland functionality. A balanced Na/K ratio, in good ranges, gives a person natural strength and will to excel and accomplish. Of course, like all other aspects of life, there are other factors that contribute to success and accomplishment. Righteous living, prayer, and scripture reading are ways to get spiritual strength from God, which will have a positive effect on the vitality ratio, and all other ratios.

Female reproductive issues such as PMS can show improvement as the Na/K ratio becomes balanced. Sodium is necessary for the production of the adrenal hormone aldosterone, and with estrogen. Potassium is instrumental in the formation of the hormone cortisol. Most adults actually have a low sodium/potassium ratio, meaning their potassium is too high in relation to their sodium, which causes excess cortisol production, consequently leading to excess catabolism of the body’s tissues. The body begins breaking down amino acids, proteins, and tissues faster than it is able to rebuild them. This is a degenerate state. 

From our research, we have seen that often clients with sickle cell anemia have low sodium/potassium ratios, with excessive amounts of a toxic oxide form of potassium. This causes the body to break down much faster than it is able to rebuild. When toxic potassium begins to be released from the tissues, and the sodium/potassium ratio begins to balance, we may be able to see greater strength levels, greater physical growth, and overall health for sickle cell clients. A low sodium/potassium ratio has many symptoms that are also seen in sickle cell clients. Below is a list of some of these symptoms.

  1. Fatigue

  2. Adrenal weakness

  3. Chronic infections

  4. Liver & Kidney stress

  5. Cardiovascular stress

  6. Reduced immune response

  7. Catabolic state

A low sodium/potassium ratio can create a mental environment of negative thoughts. This is most likely due to the idea that when the body is in bad condition, the etheric field around the body that protects it from demonic spiritual forces and transmissions is weakened, leaving the brain and central belly brain susceptible to attack. Frustration, hostility, and resentment are some of the negative emotions seen with significantly low Na/K ratios. When a client is on a proper Nutritional Balancing Program, toxic heavy metals and chemicals begin to be removed from the body, which may temporarily cause some healing reactions. During this time it is important to do a daily coffee enema, to help cleanse the liver, kidneys, and intestinal tract.

Zinc/Copper Ratio: Zinc and copper are synergist minerals towards each other, but also antagonists to each other. Thus, keeping a relatively balanced zinc/copper ratio will contribute to other mineral levels, and characteristics of the body and mind. The ideal zinc/copper ratio is 8.0. Zinc and copper are synergistic because they both contribute to:

  1. The stress response

  2. Helping to regulate the levels of macrominerals

  3. Mental and emotional states of being

Zinc and copper are antagonistic to each other in certain ways. Copper tends to raise sodium and lower potassium while zinc tends to raise potassium and lower sodium. Having balanced levels of zinc and copper tend to contribute to a more balanced sodium/potassium ratio. Zinc can be recognized as a calming or sedative neurotransmitter, along with Calcium and Magnesium. These elements have a relaxing effect on the brain. Copper stimulates the production of excitatory and stimulating chemicals and hormones such as adrenaline and dopamine. 

The frontal lobes of the brain, also known as the neocortex, are activated by zinc, stimulating higher logical brain function. Copper activates the emotional and impulsive part of the brain, the diencephalon. Both parts of the brain need to be active in a balanced way, in order to be a wise, intelligent, yet loving and compassionate person. Zinc is important for both males and females, but zinc is even more important for the male reproductive system. Copper is more important for the female reproductive system. Delayed puberty in boys, low sexual function in men, low testosterone, is contributed to by zinc deficiency. Dozens of female reproductive system problems stem from biounavailable copper toxicity.

Calcium/Phosphorus Ratio: The calcium/phosphorus ratio gives a good understanding of the state of the autonomic nervous system. Two sides of the autonomic nervous system are the sympathetic and parasympathetic systems. As spoken about in another article, calcium is a structural mineral, very necessary for strong bones, teeth, and connective tissue. Calcium is also necessary in the right form and quantity in order for cells to have healthy cell wall permeability. The sympathetic nervous system is activated when high energy is needed. But when this system is overactive for too long, one becomes sympathetic dominant, and calcium and magnesium levels are lowered within the cells. The relaxing and sedative neurotransmitters calcium and magnesium when lowered for too long can cause anxiety problems. 

The ideal ratio of calcium to phosphorus is 2.5. Phosphorus is the main ingredient in the production of ATP, or energy within the cells. An overabundant amount of phosphorus, causing a low ratio, indicates the body being in a catabolic state. Tissues are not being repaired and protein synthesis is dysfunctional, which in turn increases stress levels and stress hormone production. What we need is a well balanced autonomic nervous system. When we need energy and fast moving, fast acting activity, our bodies are able to step up to the task and complete the activity. But after our activities are complete, we must be able to switch into parasympathetic nervous system mode, for relaxation, sleep, and repair of the body cells and tissues. Balancing this ratio helps to improve the quality and strength of the adrenal glands, thyroid gland, pituitary, and hypothalamus gland, along with a host of other things. 

The personality also begins to mature and develop. In order to accomplish this for our sickle cell clients, we must endeavor in a full Nutritional Balancing Program, starting with a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis. Taking the proper nutritional supplements based on test results, along with the proper diet and lifestyle adjustments will begin to remove toxins that cause mineral imbalance, and mineralize the body with high quality nutrition. Along with the detoxification procedures, these activities can begin to balance the entire nervous system, along with the other systems of the body. To begin a program please contact me via email, text, or phone call. Also, you can purchase a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis kit at our store on this website. This is the time for us to be Prospering with Sickle Cell Anemia.


Meaning and Importance of Balancing Mineral Ratios for Sickle Cell Clients Part 1


Blog 03: Importance of Essential Trace Mineral Balance for Sickle Cell Anemia